Tuesday 7 February 2012

Excuses, excuses...

I didn't do everything I set out to do this weekend.  I meant to clean my bathroom floor, organise the dining room, move the couch and clean underneath it.  I wanted to wash all the dirty laundry in the house (my things, Boy Child's things, towels and bedsheets) and only managed to wash Boy Child's things.  I had intended to start planning this year's garden and finally visit the new yarn stores I've discovered since joining Ravelry.

But... I was distracted.  A lot.

There was crocheting to do.  I finished a baby blanket and started a project that I fully intend to keep for myself.

One skein of yarn = baby blanket and hat!
There were books to read.  I finished book five of the Kitty Norville series by Carrie Vaughn and started the sixth.

There were blog posts to write, forums to read, Pinterest boards to peruse, Facebook updates to make and read, and the all-important Super Bowl game to watch on Sunday.  (Yay Giants!)

Little of what I set out to do this weekend got done...and we know who to blame for the parts that were left for next weekend's To-Do List.
Fat Cat and Orange Cat "help" with the laundry
Small Cat "helps" me read blogs

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