Wednesday, 7 March 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday...and a buncha other stuff, too!

Whew!  I've been hookin' up a storm lately.  I've cleared out several projects and moved onto March's challenges for Nerd Wars.  This month's challenges are exciting and are something I believe I can knock out pretty quickly.

The first challenge that I completed was to use up some scrap yarn, and since our Team Unity Project this month is coffee-related items, I figured I'd make some coffee cup cozies.  Here's the pattern I used and a photo of the finished items:

A cozy for Kate Beckett and one for Rick Castle.

I also finally got around to photographing the bag I many weeks ago?  It's still not 100% done yet; I need to figure out how to line it since I'm sewing-impaired, and I'd also like to make a flower embellishment.  This is one of the items I'll be offering for sale, just as soon as I open up an Etsy store.

Not much to look at right now, but it'll be prettier when it's totally done.

I went back to amigurumi and made myself a little "Hookapotamus", which was inspired by this wonderful cartoon by Obey Crochet.  My hookapotamus is so tiny and cute that I've decided to keep her for myself.  She currently lives on my computer desk!

I finished a gift for my friend S and her daughter, who is a year and a half.  It's a simple cardigan and a hat but I'm really chuffed by how cute they both are!

Red Heart's Super Save in Bonbon and a mystery yarn.
Remember this yarn from the charity store experience?

I added a pocket and a pretty scalloped edge at the bottom
of the sleeves and cardi to match the scalloping on the
bottom edge of the hat.

I also worked this spiral hat, which came from an email from Bernat.  I can't seem to find the pattern on their site or on Ravelry so I can't link to it.  This hat will also be for sale...eventually.

Do not look directly into the centre of the hat. You may
accidentally hypnotise yourself!

And finally, the Work In Progress part of this post.  Another of our challenges this month is to do something inspired by the Modernist/Art Nouveau painter, Klimt, whose 150th birthday is this year.  Klimt is one of my favourite painters, so I was happy to see this challenge.  Inspired by his painting 'Country Garden with Sunflowers', I found sock yarn that reflect the colours used in this painting and since I'm tired of waiting to learn to knit socks, I'm crocheting them.  I love socks.  LOVE THEM!  The funkier the better.  These probably won't be funky but I'm hoping they'll turn out well.

Fancy paper clip stitch holder! Aren't you jealous?  ;)


  1. Love those coffee cozies! Thanks for sharing on my WIP Wednesday.

  2. I just love the colors on all of your goodies! Thank you for offering to test Quackers for me. As soon as you get me your email address I will send him over for you to get started on.
    melsdaisypatch at gmail dot com

  3. Gosh, I am dizzy after that - you sure have been busy!

    A few items there could do well in this neighbourhood - we have just hit Autumn, and I'm in one of the cooler areas of Oz, so....
    the coffee cup holders would be considered a necessity - the woolly ones would keep the coffee warm.
    and the socks.
    Definitely the socks.
    The more the better
    and Im with you - forget trying to knit them. Get out the crochet hook.

